Exevent Popup

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Exevent Popup {id} [x] [y]


The Exevent Popup command opens the context menu of an item/npc given by its id. Default values for x and y are 0/0.

Note: This command is only available from EUO 1.5 TV 56.

The syntax for this command has been changed in EasyUO 1.5.1 build 252. It used to be Exevent: Popup {id} [entry] SCRIPT USING OLD SYNTAX MUST BE UPDATED.


finditem %vendor G_10
if #FINDCNT > 0
	exevent Popup #findid 10 10

Related Commands


See Also


  • ExEvent commands send packet information directly to the Ultima Online server in order to perform actions.
exevent Drag Drags an object using packets
exevent Dropc Drops an object in a given container using packets
exevent Droppd Drops wearable items into the paperdoll
exevent Dropg Drops an object on the ground using packets
exevent Popup Opens the context menu of an item/npc
exevent RenamePet Renames a pet
exevent SkillLock Changes the skill locks on the different skills
exevent StatLock Changes the stat locks on the different stats