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The #jColor system variable determines the color of the text in the journal.

Note: This variable is readonly, it cannot be written to. But even if it could there really is no reason to since you can't change the color of text already in the journal.

See Also


  • Extended system variables show information about various systems in the Ultima Online client that can be gained by using certain commands.
#skill Returns the current skill level for a skill chosen with chooseSkill command
#skillCap Returns the current skill cap for a skill chosen with chooseSkill command
#skillLock Returns the current lock status of the skill chosen with chooseSkill command
#journal Returns the journal line selected using the scanJournal command
#jIndex Returns the index of the current journal entry
#jColor Returns the color of the text in the journal
#sysMsg Returns the current system message
#sysMsgCol Returns the current system message color
#targCurs Returns if cursor is a target cursor
#cursKind Returns the facet where the character is