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Container System Variables


The #contName system variable determines the name of the currently selected container/gump.

The following values have been found so far (not all are identified):

Table 25. #contName values.

Value Description
stack_gump comes up for amount input when dragging a stack
drag_gump when something is dragged on the cursor
paperdoll_gump .
status_gump .
skill_gump .
text_gump from a journal open
YesNo_gump from a logout
OptionsGump .
generic_gump from a help request. Pretty much indicitive of the answers you get too! lol. Also from runebooks and tailoring/blacksmith menus.
missile_gump seems to be an intermediate/transitional status, shows up when something if flying through the air.
normal_gump seen with: chat, shardselect
container_gump .
MainMenu_gump .
waiting_gump this one comes up for stuff like bad password
login_gump .
GameAreaEdgeGump very quick, hard to catch, name might be wrong
radar_gump The map
DamageNumbers_gump comes up when doing damage to a target
skillcon_gump .
spellcon_gump .
party_gump .
profile_gump .
combat_ability_book_gump for setting special moves
spellbook_gump .
Course_gump Treasure Map
Bill_gump Buy/Sell
hue_gump set the color of dye tub
CharCreation_gump character creation
ListBoxControl_gump it can be found on option gump, character creation
resize_gump resizing journal, skill gump, etc...
map_gump Character creation, when you choose the city to start
CONTEXT_HELP Codex of Wisdom...


if #contName = login_gump
     gosub login

See Also

#contSize #contPosX #contPosY #contKind #contID #contType

Main_Page Documentation Container System Variables

See Also

dumb_gump is snow and rain. If you want to prevent it from showing up use the UOA or Razer weather filter. - Jack Trades