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execute {filename} [argument...]


The execute command executes an external command with the argunments given.

Note: This command does NOT work unless you have enabled the "Allow Execute" configuration option.


Example 1 : Script in Script

Running a script, from a script.

execute EasyUO.exe healthWatch.euo

Example 2 : File Writing

For example purposes, assume the following:

%task is move
%guardzone is #false
#charPosX is 4321 
#charPosY is 1234
#charPosZ is 3
%tileid is 7

Write line at a time to a file

execute cmd.exe /c echo gosub railtask move %task %guardzone #charPosX #charPosY #charPosZ %tileid >>rail.txt

Makes a file named rail.txt that consists of:

gosub railtask move 0 4321 1234 3 7

Write a many lines to a file at once

This only opens console window once, improves long write times dramatically. Windows 2000+ only: Maximum command in Win2000 is 4096, WinXP and Vista 8192

Do not press Enter anywhere on the execute line until the final ", it must be one solid line without line breaks. (The Wiki is limited in its ability to wrap code text.)

   for %counter 1 %endspot
      execute %cmd /c "echo set % , RailStep %counter >> rail.txt && echo set % , Task , %counter %Task >> rail.txt && echo set % , Guardzone , %counter
%GuardZone >> rail.txt && echo set % , SpotX , %counter #charPosX >> rail.txt && echo set % , SpotY , %counter #charPosY >> rail.txt && echo set % , 
SpotZ , %counter #charPosZ >> rail.txt && echo set % , TileID , %counter %TileID >> rail.txt"   

Makes a file named rail.txt that consists of:

set %RailStep 1
set %Task1 move
set %Guardzone1 0
set %SpotX1 4321  
set %SpotY1 1234  
set %SpotZ1 3  
set %TileID1 7 
Examples provided by MoonRaver

See also

Main Page Documentation