NameSpace global

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nameSpace global {namespace name}


(Added in 1.39) The Namespace global command defines the current Namespace name and scope. The {namespace name} must be a valid EasyUO name. The scope is global. A Global Namespace can be accessed by any script running within the same EasyUO instance.

The default Namespace is local and named STD. This setting is restored when the script is stopped.

Note: Global namespaces are only available in EasyUO 1.5.


EDIT on 2 feb. 2008: global nameSpaces are particularly useful when running multiple scripts at the same time. To test these snippets copy/paste each one in a different page (run the first script, then the second, then the third to test). They MUST be wittin the same EUO instance though!!

first script:

nameSpace global test
set !testMsg Vhann_was_here_to_show_ppl_how_to_use_global_namespaces

second script:

;Important: you MUST enter the nameSpace before you can access
;the variables created in other scripts
nameSpace global test
display Ok !testMsg
set !testMsg !testMsg , $you_can_use_globals_in_more_than_2_scripts_at_a_time.

Third script:

nameSpace global test
display Ok !testMsg

See Also


  • Commands to interact with namespaces and their related variables.
nameSpace local Defines the current namespace and its scope
nameSpace global Defines the current namespace and its scope
nameSpace clear Clears every variables within the current namespace
nameSpace push Stores the current namespace name and scope
nameSpace pop Restores the current namespace name and scope
nameSpace copy Copy variables from one namespace to another