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Holds the name of the last menu button pressed.

If you close the menu window, the #menuButton value is set to "Close". The minimize and maximize buttons do not set the #menuButton variable, however.

Note: You should set #menuButton to a meaningless value when you have read which button was clicked in order to distinguish between two seperate clicks


menu Window Size 200 200
menu Window Title Test
menu Button button_1 10 20 50 25 Click me!
menu Button button_2 10 50 50 25 Click me!
menu Button button_3 10 80 50 25 Click me!
menu Show

set #menuButton Nothing
if #menuButton <> Nothing
  display ok #menuButton , #spc , was pressed
  set #menuButton Nothing
goto lookButton

See Also


  • Result variables hold values that are the direct by-product of actions taken by commands in a script. The exact details of what they contain is determined by the command and variable.
#menuButton Returns the name of the last clicked menu Button
#menuRes Returns the result of the last menu Get or menu GetNum command
#sendHeader Holds HTTP header information for the send command
#strRes Returns the result of the last str command
#property Returns the result of the last event Property command
#result Returns the result of the last return command
#opts Determines which EasyUO configuration options are active
#lpc Determines the number of lines that are executed per cycle