Str (command)

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[[str]] {"Len"} {string}

[[str]] {"Pos"} {string} {sub string} [index]

[[str]] {"Left"} {string} {length}

[[str]] {"Right"} {string} {length}

[[str]] {"Mid"} {string} {start} {length}

[[str]] {"Lower"} {string}

[[str]] {"Ins"} {string} {sub string} {start}

[[str]] {"Del"} {string} {start} {length}

[[str]] {"Count"} {string} {substring}


The str command performs a string operation on the string given and stores the result in #strRes.

Value Description
Len Stores the length of the string in the #strRes system variable.
Pos Stores the position of the sub string in the #strRes system variable. index tells which occurrence to return (if there's more than one).
Left Stores a part of the string taken from the left, in the #strRes system variable.
Right Stores a part of the string taken from the right, in the #strRes system variable.
Mid Stores a part of the string taken from the middle, in the #strRes system variable.
Lower Stores a lower case version of the string in the #strRes system variable.
Ins Inserts a string into the string and stores it in the #strRes system variable.
Del Deletes a part of the string and stores it in the #strRes system variable.
Count Returns the number of occurrences of substring in string.

  • Index parameter in Str Pos is only avalable from EUO 1.5 Test version 27.
  • Str Count command is only avalable from EUO 1.5 Test version 27.


set %string HELLO
str Len %string     ; #strRes = 5
str Pos %string LL  ; #strRes = 3
str Left %string 4  ; #strRes = HELL
str Right %string 2 ; #strRes = LO
str Mid %string 2 3 ; #strRes = ELL
str Lower %string   ; #strRes = hello
str Ins %string I 3 ; #strRes = HELILO
str Del %string 3 2 ; #strRes = HEO
str Count %string L ; #strRes = 2

; This is a sample on how to use Str Count
; command and index parameter of Str Pos
; Made by Cheffe.

set %test _this_is_a_test_and_tests_are_cool_
str count %test _
for %cnt #strres 2 
  set %tmp %cnt - 1 
  str pos %test _ %tmp 
  set %tmp #strres + 1 
  str pos %test _ %cnt 
  set %len #strres - %tmp 
  str mid %test %tmp %len 
  display ok #strres 

See Also


  • Miscellaneous commands
display Shows a message
execute Executes an external program
linesPerCycle Sets the execution speed
set sets a variable to a value (variable assignment)
send Sends a HTTP request to a server and runs the code that is returned
shutDown Shuts your computer down
sound Plays a wave file or the SystemDefault beep
str performs a operation on a string
tile retrieves information about tiles