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Holds a changing random value that ranges between 0 and 999.


;make a random number between 0 and 99.
set %a #random % 100

;make a random number between a range of two numbers
;set %random1 #random % %increments + #bottom
;%increments is (top# - bottom#) + 1
;#top is the highest number of the range
;#bottom is the lowest number of the range
;example of two random numbers between 3 and 10
set %random1 #random % 8 + 3

See Also

Miscellaneous Variables

  • These system variables are not easily categorized in any other category, and therefore are placed here.
#shard Returns which shard you are logged into
#date Returns the local date on your computer
#time Returns the local time on your computer
#sysTime Counts the number of milliseconds since 01/Jan/1980 UTC
#sCnt Timer in seconds since Windows boot
#sCnt2 Timer in tenths of seconds since Windows boot
#pixCol Returns the color of the pixel last saved with savePix
#cursorX Returns the x-coordinate of the cursor
#cursorY Returns the y-coordinate of the cursor
#random Holds a random number
#dispRes Returns button clicked in last call to display
#lShard Set the last shard of your choice
#osVer Returns the OS version
#euoVer Returns the current EasyUO version