Menu Image Create

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menu Image Create {name} {x} {y} {width} {height}


The menu Image Create command creates a new image control with the specified name at the given positions and dimensions.

name is any valid EUO name. It is used to reference the created container.

The X and Y parameters place the control at the specified position on the menu. These parameter's are in pixels, with 0,0 being the top left of the menu.

width and height are the size of the image container, in pixels.

  • This command is only available from EUO 1.5.
  • The image is completely transparent at the beginning. For a different background, simply use Menu Image Rectangle

See Also


  • Commands to interact with menu elements.
menu Activate Activates a window element in the EasyUO menu window
menu Button Creates a button at position x/y with specified size on the EasyUO menu window
menu Check Creates a checkbox at position x/y with specified size on the EasyUO menu window
menu Clear Clears all window elements from the EasyUO menu window
menu Combo Creates a combobox at position x/y with specified size on the EasyUO menu window or adds entries to the combobox
menu Delete Deletes a window element from the EasyUO menu window
menu Edit Creates a edit field at position x/y with specified width in the EasyUO menu window
menu Font Align Changes the font alignment in the EasyUO menu window
menu Font BGColor Changes the font background color in the EasyUO menu window
menu Font Color Changes the font color in the EasyUO menu window
menu Font Name Changes the font in the EasyUO menu window
menu Font Size Changes the font size in the EasyUO menu window
menu Font Style Changes the font style in the EasyUO menu window
menu Font Transparent Sets the transparency of the background color of the font
menu Get Returns the value associated with a control in the EasyUO menu window
menu GetNum Returns the number in an edit field in the EasyUO menu window
menu Hide Hides the EasyUO menu window
menu HideEUO Hides the main EasyUO window
menu Image Create Creates a new image control in the menu
menu Image Ellipse Draws an ellipse/circle within a specified image
menu Image File Loads an external image file
menu Image FloodFill Applies the FloodFill effect in the area around a specified pixel within a specified image
menu Image Line Draws a line within a specified image
menu Image Pix Paints a single pixel within a specified image
menu Image PixLine Prints a horizontal line of pixels within a specified image
menu Image Pos Moves an already existing image control to a different position
menu Image Rectangle Draws a rectangle within a specified image
menu List Creates a listbox at position x/y with specified size on the EasyUO menu window or adds entires to the listbox
menu Set Sets the text of a control
menu Shape Creates a shape in the EasyUO menu window
menu Show Shows the EasyUO menu window
menu Text Creates a label at the specified position in the EasyUO menu window
menu Window Color Changes the color of the EasyUO menu window
menu Window Size Changes the size of the EasyUO menu window
menu Window Title Changes the title of the EasyUO menu window
menu Window Transparent Sets the transparency of the window