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Latest revision as of 09:27, 5 December 2008

Getting Started

  1. Installation
  2. Introduction
  3. Beginner's Tutorial
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Language Reference

Variables Basics , Standard , Namespace , Persistent , System , Scope
Expressions Expressions , Statements
Operators Arithmetic , Comparison , Logical , Concatenation , Precedence , Associativity-for-Dummies
Control Structures Goto , Sub
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Command Reference

Flow Control

  • Flow control commands allow scripts to make decisions based on the evaluation of boolean expressions.
break Jumps to first statement outside of loop
call Transfers execution to another script file
continue Jumps execution of a loop to next iteration
exit Exits a called script
for Creates a counting loop
gosub Transfers execution to the matching sub
goto Jumps to another part of the script given by a label
halt Stops the script
if Executes code based on the evaluation of an expression
pause Temporarily stops the execution of the current script
repeat..until Creates a loop that checks condition after execution
return Returns from a sub
stop Ends the script
while Creates a loop that checks condition before execution
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  • Client commands are used to send information to the Ultima Online client in order to perform an action or effect some change.
chooseSkill Reads the current skill value/lock status for a specific skill
click Clicks at a specific position in the UO client
cmpPix Compares a current pixel to a previously saved pixel
contPos Moves the active topmost gump to a new position
deleteJournal Forgets the contents of the journal buffer
findItem Finds items, monsters, players, NPCs based on object ID or object type
getShopInfo Retrieves information from the client about the currently shown top entry on a shopping gump
getUOTitle Gets the text on the title bar of the client
hideItem Removes an items graphic from the client
ignoreItem Removes items from the list searched by findItem
key Sends a key-stroke to the client
move Moves the character to a specified location
msg Sends a string to the client as keystrokes
nextCPos Denotes where the next opened container/gump will open
onHotKey Performs a line of code if a specific key is pressed
savePix Saves the color of a pixel in a specified location
setShopItem Sets the number of items to purchase given by ID
setUOTitle Sets the text on the title bar of the client
scanJournal Scans the users journal and stores the string for examination
sleep Waits a specified amount of time
target Waits for a target cursor to appear
terminate Terminates the current client
uoXL Start/manage clients
wait Waits a specified amount of time
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  • Event commands cause the Ultima Online client to use one of its available internal macros.
event Drag Drags an object
event ExMsg Shows a message over the object given by the ID
event Macro Performs a UO internal macro
event PathFind Moves you to a specified position if it is possible
event Property Reads the property description of an item
event SkillLock Changes the skill locks on the different skills
event Sleep Suspends the client for a specified time
event SysMessage Outputs text to the client as a system message
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  • ExEvent commands send packet information directly to the Ultima Online server in order to perform actions.
exevent Drag Drags an object using packets
exevent Dropc Drops an object in a given container using packets
exevent Droppd Drops wearable items into the paperdoll
exevent Dropg Drops an object on the ground using packets
exevent Popup Opens the context menu of an item/npc
exevent RenamePet Renames a pet
exevent SkillLock Changes the skill locks on the different skills
exevent StatLock Changes the stat locks on the different stats
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  • Commands to interact with menu elements.
menu Activate Activates a window element in the EasyUO menu window
menu Button Creates a button at position x/y with specified size on the EasyUO menu window
menu Check Creates a checkbox at position x/y with specified size on the EasyUO menu window
menu Clear Clears all window elements from the EasyUO menu window
menu Combo Creates a combobox at position x/y with specified size on the EasyUO menu window or adds entries to the combobox
menu Delete Deletes a window element from the EasyUO menu window
menu Edit Creates a edit field at position x/y with specified width in the EasyUO menu window
menu Font Align Changes the font alignment in the EasyUO menu window
menu Font BGColor Changes the font background color in the EasyUO menu window
menu Font Color Changes the font color in the EasyUO menu window
menu Font Name Changes the font in the EasyUO menu window
menu Font Size Changes the font size in the EasyUO menu window
menu Font Style Changes the font style in the EasyUO menu window
menu Font Transparent Sets the transparency of the background color of the font
menu Get Returns the value associated with a control in the EasyUO menu window
menu GetNum Returns the number in an edit field in the EasyUO menu window
menu Hide Hides the EasyUO menu window
menu HideEUO Hides the main EasyUO window
menu Image Create Creates a new image control in the menu
menu Image Ellipse Draws an ellipse/circle within a specified image
menu Image File Loads an external image file
menu Image FloodFill Applies the FloodFill effect in the area around a specified pixel within a specified image
menu Image Line Draws a line within a specified image
menu Image Pix Paints a single pixel within a specified image
menu Image PixLine Prints a horizontal line of pixels within a specified image
menu Image Pos Moves an already existing image control to a different position
menu Image Rectangle Draws a rectangle within a specified image
menu List Creates a listbox at position x/y with specified size on the EasyUO menu window or adds entires to the listbox
menu Set Sets the text of a control
menu Shape Creates a shape in the EasyUO menu window
menu Show Shows the EasyUO menu window
menu Text Creates a label at the specified position in the EasyUO menu window
menu Window Color Changes the color of the EasyUO menu window
menu Window Size Changes the size of the EasyUO menu window
menu Window Title Changes the title of the EasyUO menu window
menu Window Transparent Sets the transparency of the window
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  • Commands to interact with namespaces and their related variables.
nameSpace local Defines the current namespace and its scope
nameSpace global Defines the current namespace and its scope
nameSpace clear Clears every variables within the current namespace
nameSpace push Stores the current namespace name and scope
nameSpace pop Restores the current namespace name and scope
nameSpace copy Copy variables from one namespace to another
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  • Miscellaneous commands
display Shows a message
execute Executes an external program
linesPerCycle Sets the execution speed
set sets a variable to a value (variable assignment)
send Sends a HTTP request to a server and runs the code that is returned
shutDown Shuts your computer down
sound Plays a wave file or the SystemDefault beep
str performs a operation on a string
tile retrieves information about tiles
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  • Obsolete commands that are only used for backward compatibility.
deleteVar Sets a variable to an empty string
initEvents Initializes all event commands
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System Variable Reference

Character Variables

  • The character category of system variables contains information specific to the character in the current instance of Ultima Online that EasyUO is attached to.
#charPosX Returns the characters world X-coordinate
#charPosY Returns the characters world Y-coordinate
#charPosZ Returns the characters world Z-coordinate
#charDir Returns the direction the character is facing
#charStatus Returns different states that the character can be in
#charID Returns the id of the character
#charGhost Returns if your character is dead
#backpackID Displays the ID of your player's backPack (Inventory)
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Status Variables

  • Status variables come from the UO Status Bar in game. They provide information about the current character.

The character's status bar MUST be opened for these values to work!

#charName Returns the name of the character
#sex Returns the sex of the character
#str Returns the strength of the character
#hits Returns the current number of hitpoints of the character
#maxHits Returns the maximum number of hitpoints of the character
#dex Returns the dexterity of the character
#stamina Returns the current stamina level or the character
#maxStam Returns the maximum stamina level or the character
#int Returns the intelligence of the character
#mana Returns the current mana pool for the character
#maxMana Returns the maximum mana pool for the character
#maxStats Returns the current maximum stats of the character
#luck Returns the current luck of the character
#weight Returns the current weight of the character
#maxWeight Returns the maximum weight of the character
#minDmg Returns the minimum damage done with the currently yielded weapon
#maxDmg Returns the maximum damage done with the currently yielded weapon
#gold Returns the amount of gold on the character
#followers Returns the current number of followers of the character
#maxFol Returns the maximum number of followers of the character
#AR Returns the Armor Rating of the character
#FR Returns the Fire Resist of the character
#CR Returns the Cold Resist of the character
#PR Returns the Poison Resist of the character
#ER Returns the Energy Resist of the character
#TP Returns the Tithing Points of the character
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  • Container system variables represent information available about the top most (or most reacent) gump that was opened, moved, or clicked in the Ultima Online Client.
#nextCPosX Returns the x-coordinate of where the next container/gump will open
#nextCPosY Returns the y-coordinate of where the next container/gump will open
#contSize Returns the size of the currently selected container/gump
#contPosX Returns the x-coordinate of the currently selected container/gump
#contPosY Returns the y-coordinate of the currently selected container/gump
#contKind Returns the kind of the currently selected container/gump
#contID Returns the id of the currently selected container/gump
#contType Returns the object type of the currently selected container/gump
#contName Returns the name of currently selected container/gump
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Last Action

  • The last action system variables are adjusted when certain activities are performed in the Ultima Online Client.
#lObjectID Returns the id of the last used object
#lObjectType Returns the type of the last used object
#lTargetID Returns the id of the last target used
#lTargetX Returns the world x-coordinate of the last target used
#lTargetY Returns the world y-coordinate of the last target used
#lTargetZ Returns the world z-coordinate of the last target used
#lTargetKind Returns the kind of what was last targeted
#lTargetTile Returns the tile last targeted
#lLiftedID Returns the id of the object last dragged/lifted
#lLiftedType Returns the type of the object last dragged/lifted
#lLiftedKind Returns if an object is being dragged/lifted
#lSkill Returns the skill last used
#lSpell Returns the last spell cast
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  • These system variables are set when the FindItem command is used.
#findID Returns the id of the object returned by findItem
#findType Returns the type of the object returned by findItem
#findX Returns the x-coordinate of the object returned by findItem
#findY Returns the y-coordinate of the object returned by findItem
#findZ Returns the z-coordinate of the object returned by findItem
#findDist Returns the distance from the character to the object returned by findItem
#findKind Returns the kind of the object returned by findItem
#findStack Returns the number of stacked items in the object returned by findItem
#findBagID Returns the bag the object returned by findItem is contained in
#findMod Returns displacement for #findX and #findY
#findRep Returns the reputation of the object returned by findItem
#findCol Returns the color of the object returned by findItem
#findIndex Gets the values of all other findItem results without restarting the time-consuming FindItem command.
#findCnt Returns the number of objects that matches what was searched for with the findItem command
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  • The shop system variables allow you to work with NPC vendor gumps through the use of the getShopInfo command.
#shopCurPos Returns the current position on the shop menu
#shopCnt Returns the total number of lines on the shop menu
#shopItemType Returns the item type of the current line on the shop menu
#shopItemID Returns the item ID of the current line on the shop menu
#shopItemName Returns the name of the item the current line on the shop menu
#shopItemPrice Returns the price of the current line in the shop menu
#shopItemMax Returns the number of items in the stack of the current line in the shop menu
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  • Extended system variables show information about various systems in the Ultima Online client that can be gained by using certain commands.
#skill Returns the current skill level for a skill chosen with chooseSkill command
#skillCap Returns the current skill cap for a skill chosen with chooseSkill command
#skillLock Returns the current lock status of the skill chosen with chooseSkill command
#journal Returns the journal line selected using the scanJournal command
#jIndex Returns the index of the current journal entry
#jColor Returns the color of the text in the journal
#sysMsg Returns the current system message
#sysMsgCol Returns the current system message color
#targCurs Returns if cursor is a target cursor
#cursKind Returns the facet where the character is
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Client Variables

  • The client variables hold information about the Ultima Online client that EasyUO is attached to.
#cliVer Returns the version of the client
#cliCnt Returns the number of clients currently running
#cliNr Returns which client is currently active for EasyUO
#cliXRes Returns the width of the gameplay window
#cliYRes Returns the height of the gameplay window
#cliLeft Returns the X coordinate of the left edge of the gameplay window
#cliTop Returns the Y coordinate of the top edge of the gameplay window
#cliLogged Returns if a character is logged into the game
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  • The combat system variables allow you to see and control information that deals with combat.
#lHandID Returns the ID of the item to be armed in the left hand
#rHandID Returns the ID of the item to be armed in the right hand
#enemyHits Returns the percentage of hit points left on the current enemy
#enemyID Returns the ID of the current enemy
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Namespace Variables

#nsName Returns the name of the currently active namespace
#nsType Returns the type of the currently active namespace
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Miscellaneous Variables

  • These system variables are not easily categorized in any other category, and therefore are placed here.
#shard Returns which shard you are logged into
#date Returns the local date on your computer
#time Returns the local time on your computer
#sysTime Counts the number of milliseconds since 01/Jan/1980 UTC
#sCnt Timer in seconds since Windows boot
#sCnt2 Timer in tenths of seconds since Windows boot
#pixCol Returns the color of the pixel last saved with savePix
#cursorX Returns the x-coordinate of the cursor
#cursorY Returns the y-coordinate of the cursor
#random Holds a random number
#dispRes Returns button clicked in last call to display
#lShard Set the last shard of your choice
#osVer Returns the OS version
#euoVer Returns the current EasyUO version
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  • Result variables hold values that are the direct by-product of actions taken by commands in a script. The exact details of what they contain is determined by the command and variable.
#menuButton Returns the name of the last clicked menu Button
#menuRes Returns the result of the last menu Get or menu GetNum command
#sendHeader Holds HTTP header information for the send command
#strRes Returns the result of the last str command
#property Returns the result of the last event Property command
#result Returns the result of the last return command
#opts Determines which EasyUO configuration options are active
#lpc Determines the number of lines that are executed per cycle
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  • These system variables contain data gathered using the tile command.
#tileType Returns the type of the last read tile
#tileZ Returns the z-coordinate of the last read tile
#tileCnt Returns the number of tile layers of the last read position
#tileName Returns the name of the last read tile
#tileFlags Returns the flags of the last read tile
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  • Constant system variables represent characters that are used as tokens within the EasyUO language itself, or characters that would not normally be parsed properly by EasyUO.
#dot A constant that represents the dot character
#false A constant that represents boolean false
#smc A constant that represents the semicolon character
#spc A constant that represents the space character
#true A constant that represents boolean true
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Note: Old documentation can be found at http://www.easyuo.com/docs/
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